Best Hair Towel Wrap

Best Hair Towel Wrap
Some women use a t-shirt to wrap their hair in because towels are bulky, and not very absorbent. Towels can also add a little frizz to your hair.

Louticia Grier’s hair towel wrap is often described as absorbent and lightweight. Hundreds of happy clients say it’s helped cut drying time without adding frizz!

It’s a great solution for drying your hair after shampoo. And it pulls moisture out of your hair in record time.

If you blow dry your hair, this hair towel wrap will make your hair much smoother. Plus, it will cut down greatly on straight ironing time.

This towel wrap is recommended for anyone who is trying to reduce heat and products to achieve softer, smoother hair. Even if you prefer not to use heat on your hair, you’ll notice this towel helps bring out your natural texture.

Do you have curly, long hair and concerned about your curls looking dry? Worry no more. This hair towel wrap is perfect for that. Just put it on after getting out of the shower. Leave it on while you’re getting dressed and doing your makeup. Brace yourself – when you take the towel off, your hair will be almost dry! Additionally, your curls will be softer and more natural looking.

Louticia Grier’s Hair Towel Wrap

“Quality” is the word used by many women to describe the efficiency and material of this towel/turban. Especially for those women who have tried similar styles before.

As soon as you feel Louticia’s towel wrap, you’ll immediately feel the quality. Wavy hair tends to need product or it gets frizzy. When you remove this hair turban wrap, you’ll notice that your curls are more defined.

Tired of having to balance a towel on your head and having it fall off when you lean over? Well, now you can stop the balancing act. This hair turban wrap is lightweight and securely fixed to your head. And it won’t fall off, even if you do jumping jacks.

Albeit this is an easy, lightweight solution for drying your hair, it truly works. Also, there are many women who air dry their hair so as not to damage it with heat. However, this process can take hours for your hair to dry. Our hair turban wrap can dry your hair in about 20 minutes!

Still, there are women who haven’t used a hair turban wrap before because they wouldn’t stay secured. But Louticia’s hair turban fits as snuggly as you want it to. With elastic attachment, it takes the untidy mess out of using a hair turban.

The Best Hair Towel for Fine and Delicate Hair

Women with fine and delicate hair flock to this towel. They describe it as being gentle on their fragile hair. Fine hair is prone to breakage. But using this hair towel on your hair, there’s no rubbing or squeezing. And it absorbs all the extra moisture.

2b wavy hair clients are even impressed with our product. They wanted something other than a t-shirt to dry their hair without making it frizzy. This is the best hair towel wrap for 2b wavy hair and does a fantastic job in drying the hair. Although, some women were hesitant at first because of the size. It’s not as large as a regular bath towel. But guess what? It does a much better job than bath towels do.

Want to see them in person? Visit our Uptown New York Style salon.

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