Professional Hair Care Products by Louticia Grier
Shop hair care products including hair loss treatments, scalp protection, shampoos, conditioners, for healthier hair and scalp. Explore our array of online beauty salon hair care products for women and men. We invite everyone to peruse our online store, buy what you can use and share with us what you think might help others.
Louticia Grier’s Scalp Base Protection
For hair loss prevention and scalp chemical burns. “Scalp Base Protection” is a new concept in scalp care. As a Hair Replacement Specialist, Louticia Grier cares about what goes underneath your hair system.
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Scalp Protection Shampoo
After chemical usage you need a shampoo that not only washes away chemical residue, but can also balance harmful pH levels, be it too low or too high. For the health and well-being of your hair…
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Scalp Protection Conditioner
If your hair is unmanageable and you recently experienced scalp trauma such as hair coloring, hair straightening or have just taken out a weave or braids, a tedious comb out is bad timing. Louticia Grier has formulated…
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Scalp Ease
Scalp Ease is a natural healing product that will reduce inflammation of the scalp, itching and dryness of the scalp. After chemical services, apply small amounts to the scalp. Massage into scalp. And feel the product go to work!
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Beautiful Hair Renew Lotion
Louticia Grier Beautiful Hair Renew Lotion is specially formulated to give your hair body, adds luster, shine, detangles, and provides a coating of protection from harmful elements.
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