Why Women Love Wearing Wigs

Why Women Love Wearing Wigs
Women suffering from hair loss issues often wear some type of head cover such as hair toppers to conceal their thinning hair. But hair loss issues are not the only reasons why women love wearing wigs. In fact, some instagram posts are all dedicated to wig wearers!

There are various types of wigs and people have much to say about them; both positive and negative comments. And it seems that most people who say negative things about wigs have never actually worn a wig.

Lace Front 12

Lace Front 12″ Mix Gray Premade Human Hair Prosthesis Wig
Curly Brown 14

Luscious Curly Reddish Brown 16 inch Human Hair Wig
16 inch Sexy Brown Blonde with Highlights Human Hair Wig

16 inch Sexy Brown Blonde Highlights Human Hair Wig
12 inch Brown Lace Front Human Hair Cranial Prosthetic Wig

12″ Brown Lace Front Human Hair Cranial Prosthetic Wig w/Highlights

5 Reasons Why Women Love Wearing Wigs

So, for those of us who actually wear wigs, we think it’s time to have our say in the wig conversation. With this in mind, here are 5 top reasons why women love wearing wigs, and why you might start wearing them too.

01. Convenience

Every day, women spend nearly an hour working on their appearance which converts to approximately two full weeks a year. Meanwhile, a wig takes mere minutes for installation. And when it’s pre-styled, it’s even more convenient because you don’t waste time styling your hair in the morning.

02. Protects Your Natural Hair

Another reason why women love wearing wigs is that it protects their natural hair. Whether curling irons or blow dryers, just about every tool used on our hair can potentially damage it in some way. Not to mention products like alcohol-based hair sprays, or chemical products like relaxers. For these reasons, wigs significantly reduce the need for these tools and products – particularly on your natural hair. In addition, wigs offer protection from environmental factors such as the sun and weather which can affect the health and texture of your hair.

03. Conceals Minor Hair Issues

Major hair loss issues such as bald spots are not the only requirements for wearing a wig. A receding hair line or thinning hair can also be quickly hidden with a wig. And for specific areas where thinning is noticed, hair toppers are ideal for such cases.

04. Saves Money

While it’s true that the initial cost of a quality wig can be expensive, it saves you money in the long run. How? There are no more bi-weekly trips to the salon that’s required for natural hair upkeep. Plus, you’re saving on all the hair care products you would normally buy for your own hair. As such, a quality shampoo and conditioner is all you need for your wig. And a wig stand, of course.

05. You Can Experiment with Different Styles

With wigs, you can experiment with different hair colors, textures, lengths, and hairstyles. There’s a reason why celebrities’ hairstyles are always in fashion or even starting a new trend. And since wigs are not a permanent change, you can see what you look like without alternating your own hair!

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